Jul 23, 2019
Don't try to be perfect. Just try to be better than you were yesterday!

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals" - H.D. Thoreau.
Here is an ending of a beautiful year of enlightenment, acquisition of knowledge and journey of self-discovery.
I have now officially completed a one year holistic nutrition and Health Coach course. I was granted the certificate of Integrative Nutrition Health Coach enabling me to share my knowledge with others, to educate, guide and support clients to take responsibility for their health and achievement of their personal wellness goals through lifestyle, diet and behavior adjustments.

Eating clean, listening to your body and your spirit and respecting your sleep, are only few things that are within one's reach for a healthier and happier life.
We are all pioneers in our own life, we are unique, our thoughts , our body, our journey.
THERE IS NO ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL DIET. Personal differences in anatomy, metabolism, body composition and cell structure all influence your overall health and the foods that make you feel your best. We are so diverse, we need to choose our own path that suits our personal needs.
A permanent shift in health may seem like a big challenge requiring a lot of dedication, but this approach , as Joshua Rosenthal says, is not about acquiring more self-discipline or willpower. It's about personally discovering what feeds you, what nourishes you and ultimately, what makes your life extraordinary.
Give yourself permission to go slowly. Big changes do not require big leaps. As far as your body is concerned, permanent change is more likely to happen gradually rather than through severe, austere diets. Proceed with care for yourself.
Whatever you do today will impact your tomorrow!